
Jun 6, 2011

Hawaii Volcanologist Lecture at Hilo Library

On Friday, our homeschool group took the kids to enjoy a neat lecture by our local volcanologists. We started out with some reading to the kids and looking at books while they did their setup.

The lecture included a slideshow as well as some very neat videos. You can see some of the awesome footage of our volcanoes erupting at the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory website.

The best part was when the speakers brought some kids up to try on the various articles of protective clothing used when studying the volcanoes and collecting lava samples. The kids also got a good first-hand look at all of the equipment used by the volcanologists.

In all, it was a really neat experience for the kids, especially seeing the clothing and getting to dress up. For more information about volcanoes and Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, visit the USGS website for more. There is also information on current earthquakes caused by the volcanic activity.

More volcano info:
Hawaii Center for Volcanology
An Awesome Interactive Volcano Explorer
Volcano Links and Lesson Ideas

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